Saturday, 10 January 2015


A break in the normal pattern of posts to say #JeSuisCharlie and to put up a Guardian cartoon by Martin Rowson that I bought from Martin in   October 2005 and which speaks as well now as it did then.

For Martin on Charlie Hebdo see

To paraphrase Ecclesiastes, of the making and taking of offence regarding images and Holy Writ there is no end, a truism that applies in the secular as well as the religious sphere.

'The gods did not enrich man with a knowledge of all things from the beginning of life. 
Yet man seeks, and in time invents what may be better.' 

- Xenophanes c. 570 – c. 475 BC


  1. Excellent stuff Eddie. Rowson cartoon may still be pertinent after so many years but so is the wisdom of Ecclesiastes and Xenophanes from ancient times.

  2. A pity Rowson then accused those of us who wanted the Graun to make more of a stand of being "fascists who wanted to bomb Iran". I know he was scared, and said it was making his family physically ill, but that was uncalled for.
